I love food. Even now, as I begin to write this article, I have a huge craving for it, and Desmod remixed with Nickelback is starting to play in my stomach, and it feels worse than tantalum torture.
Food is the basic building block of a slightly different pyramid than BMG Invest or Horizont Slovakia. Maslow. It fulfils the most important physiological needs, and it is thanks to it that we can exist and continue to happily pollute our beautiful planet. But this time I'm going to write about food a little differently. It will be joy different, it will be sadness.
Báŕŕ. Nasty word. Sounds similar to the word work, Monday, or a combination thereof. The only thing worse, I guess, is if someone works at a market research firm and compiles statistical indicators on Monday morning. But enough about me. I'd better take the liberty of modifying Stalin's statement now. If a kilo of food is thrown away, it is a tragedy, if a million, it is a statistic.
Since I am an altruist, I have selflessly summarized for you a few alarming statistics that will make you lose your appetite and thus partially solve the problem of food waste. So enjoy:
- more than 30% of food (1.3 million tonnes) is lost annually or is being wasted in the global food system, this represents 4 times the amount of food that could feed all the people suffering from hunger
- If we wanted to give away all the food we throw away poor people, yes would to each of them approximately 1.2 tonnes of food a year is lost
- Food waste in the EU amounts to 89 million tonnes a year, i.e. approximately 179 kilograms per person
- In Slovakia it forms biodegradable waste 30 - 40 percent Compounding municipal waste.
- 69% of the waste in our containers is food wastethat can no longer be consumed. This is an estimated 52.5 thousand tonnes of waste in Slovakia
- in Slovakia is produces up to 2 452 tonnes of food waste per day, which translates to 0.5 kg per capita
To Eat or Not to Eat
This is a question that troubles many a Breton. We mere mortals, however, simply must eat. It doesn't matter if we have a lifestyle like Igor Bukovsky or like Charles Bukowski.
I understand that alongside issues like corruption in politics, detached and burning train carriages, or waiting for the new series of The Farm, the subject of food waste is something of a crumb on Kuly Kollar's plate. But what is a crumb? Food. And we're home. For how serious a topic it is, it's given far too little importance.
Does anyone know of any food waste reduction initiatives such as the "We are the Forest" tree felling initiative?
While it is true that many people might misinterpret the "We are food" initiative, but I think that the taste buds have runneth over and that this issue finally needs to be given the attention it deserves. And it's an opportunity to make a difference for the better for all of us, as it's not the store or the restaurant, but The average person accounts for almost half of food waste.
Learn, learn, learn
The biggest problem with wastage household food is ignorance. There are rules that, if you follow, will save you money and the environment at the same time. These rules are particularly relevant to storage.
For example, did you know that onions and potatoes or meat and milk go together just like Rhythm and Dara or Peto Sagan and Katka? Or that grapes or apples should be stored at a similarly low temperature to my first ex's heart?
It is important not only to store well, but also to differentiate the concepts. The terms "Best Before" and "Use By" are similarly as treacherous as a woman's answer of "nothing" to the question of what's eating her. Food with a best before date can be eaten after this date, but cannot be sold after it expires. Did you know? Didn't? You're welcome.
Next important rulesthat we should follow when shopping are:
- check the fridge before buying - for me personally it is sometimes the only light in my life, secondly I find out what I don't need to buy anymore and Tretiak Vladislav
- not all discounts are worthwhile - Are you sure you need 40 kilos of celery in 60% discount?
- less is more - ... no grandmother ever said, but we all know who she voted for
- make a list - Schindler also wrote it, so you can't go wrong, after all the film won seven Oscars
- not with an empty belly - when you're hungry, it's not you, so don't trust your eyes, which would eat a hawaii pizza at that moment
If you don't believe in chemtrails, a world controlled by Soros, wear a tinfoil hat on your head, and have ice cream sticking out of your ear, then you probably believe in global warming, which is also greatly affected by food waste. And a third of it is also produced in manufacturing. Just as in ancient Sparta they disposed of weak children, so in this industry they treat food. Weight, size, shape, appearance. Perfect for the counters, throw the rest away.
Where has humanity gone? Intelligence, character, a sense of humor and a good heart?
Wave, 29.9.2018, 18:00
There is no one-size-fits-all solution. Each individual food waste problem requires a different solution. At the Wave discussion on 29 September at 18:00, we will learn much more about the problem of food waste. In addition, topics such as pesticides, biodegradable packaging and genetically modified food, which surprisingly has nothing to do with Chernobyl, will also be discussed. Traditionally, this event will also include a clothing swap. We look forward to seeing you!
- Rudolf Beliš