Greencubator presents ReThink - Fashion Upcycling

There is said to be a planet in the solar system that is inhabited by an intelligent life form. At least that's how she modestly lets herself be titled.


There is said to be a planet in the solar system that is inhabited by an intelligent life form. At least that's how she modestly lets herself be titled. Yes, these are the very animals that once thought they were the center of the universe and refused to accept the claim that everything didn't revolve around their planet. Humans. Cancer of planet Earth. 

Although intelligence is constant on our planet, the population is constantly growing and destroying the Earth without regard for the future of future generations. We are ignorant, influenced by consumerismwho don't care whether the ocean level has risen by nine millimetres, but whether the Corgon is nine cents cheaper in Kaufland. Statistics tell the average person even less than Andrej Danko's speech, but the state of our planet is more than alarming. 

In order not to say that there is nothing in the East, the concept of Greencubatorwhich wants to change the world for the better through education in ecology and environmentalism. A concept that tries to recycle the phrase "I can't do anything on my own" and turn it into "I can and I want to make a difference too". Greencubator presents a series of lectures entitled "ReThink"that deal in particular with waste or the contrasts between nature and human vanity. ReThink You initiates into the secrets of recycling, circularity, minimalism and other things you may have been as familiar with up to now as the Flying Dutchman in the Spanish Village. ReThink plans to change that and show that we can no longer put off problems, but that it is finally time to take responsibility for our reckless way of life and start solving these problems.

Not to say that there is nothing in the East, a concept has been created here that wants to change the world for the better by educating people in the field of ecology. We recycle "I can't change anything by myself" into "I can make a difference too".

Image credit: Feel Good Wardrobe, 2015 

ReThink - Fashion upcycling

The first event under the Greencubator banner will be dedicated to the 2nd dirtiest and most unethical industry in the world, the fashion industry. 
In China, they say that if you want to know what colour is the trendiest at the moment, look at what colour your rivers are. But it's not just the water that's threatening. More than half of the people working in the fashion industry live below the poverty line and are considered modern-day slaves. On 24 April 2013, the Rana Plaza building with a textile factory collapsed in Bangladesh. The day before, workers were informed of structural damage, but returned to work a day later under threat of dismissal. 1130 of them lost their lives and more than 2500 were injured.

Image: CoClear, 2015 

The response to this has been the Fashion Revolution initiative, which fights for transparency in garment production, improved working conditions, compliance with environmental standards and the protection of natural resources. The result should be a responsible, conscious and sustainable fashion industry.

Greencubator doesn't want to stay silent either and that's why it organized its first big party in Prešov. SWAP party where clothes will be exchanged. This party will be part of an event aimed at recycling fashion, brought to you by the Wave Centre for Independent Culture in collaboration with Fecupral. The event was supported from public funds by the Art Support Fund.

There will also be discussion with interesting guests from the fashion industry, creative workshops and a band whose musical instrument is waste. The action starts o 17:00 workshops, at 19:00 will smoothly transition into a presentation and discussion with Martina Marek Kuipers, coordinator of Fashion Revolution in Slovakia and creator of the fashion brand Bartinki. At approximately 20:00 other guests will join the discussion, such as Ida Sándor (designer from Košice), Alena Krivá (fashion brand CILA), Lenka Čižmáriková (BUM Kôlnička) and people from the upcycling secondhand ALMARA, who will discuss various topics related to sustainable fashion live from 19:00. The programme will culminate at 21:00 with a musical interlude by an experimental band Barcode Djswhich gives waste a new dimension.

I Just Wanna Make You SWAP

I'm sure your clothes hangers at home bend under the onslaught of clothes you haven't used in years and often end up throwing away in the bin. Similarly in Slovakia, approximately 460 kg of clothes are thrown away every 10 minutes.

Life often gives us humans a second chance, so this time we could give it to things that can make someone else happy and help protect the environment at the same time.
Denim shorts like Palo Habera wore, Nick Slaughter's quilted shirt from Murder Coast, salmon leggings with kittens, a sleeveless trucker T-shirt, iceboxes for parking ticket collectors, a thermal shirt for disco kings, or other trendy fashion pieces may fit someone's wardrobe. If you have any clothes that you've been wanting to get rid of for a long time, but have been waiting for the right moment, you've arrived. Get rid of the prejudice that no one will ever wear it anyway and imagine that a Fiat Multipla is also driving on Slovak roads. Forget about pride for a moment, admit to yourself that your favourite khaki shirt didn't fit on your 120, but that you just can't fit in it anymore and come and exchange it for something else.

The terms of the "swap" are clear, you bring one piece of clean, undamaged clothing, you can take one piece away. Free of charge. No more conditions in small print below the line. Come - Bring - Exchange - Take away. It can also be various clothing accessories, or even jewellery that may not be directly crown jewels. If you have an extra shirt that makes you look like Ratafak the Sail, the workshop will teach you how to make a shirt out of it.

On Saturday, you will get answers to the questions about how we are threatened by discarded textiles, how to prevent clothing waste, what is upcycling, slow fashion and many other interesting questions, June 23 at 5:00 pm at the Wave.

- Rudolf Beliš

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