Ant may be small, but the results of his work are incredible. The award ceremony for the winners in each category took place at the Waste Management Days in Bratislava, 21.11.2019. Thanks to our ant's work, we are also one of the award winners in the Innovative Solutions category.
The corporate strategy was also awarded by the Association of Industrial Ecology in Slovakia with a Certificate (ASPEK), thanks to which we will compete in the European round of EBAF 2020 - European Business Awards for the Environment in the category - Process.
FECUPRAL, spol. s.r.o.. has been in business for over 25 years, during which time it has been actively involved in waste issues, primarily recycling. We are one of the few companies in Slovakia that has been granted the status of R1 waste recovery, i.e. energy recovery and hazardous waste recovery. The company has been actively involved in waste recycling for many years, and in terms of trends, we are one of the companies that contribute significantly to waste recycling in Slovakia. However, our ambition is to advance material recovery also in the hazardous waste sector, thanks to our long-term experience and acquired "know-how". Our experience and many years of work, innovative technologies and creative team have proven in recent years that waste is a source of significant raw materials. The result is therefore a comprehensive recovery of the material quality of waste while at the same time using and its energy potential, which saves the very energy resources used to produce it.

The Golden Ant award was presented at the Waste Management Days to winners in various categories, the Golden Ant was personally received by the company representatives Ing. Štefan Hanigovský st. and Ing. Štefan Hanigovský Jr. in the category of Corporate Waste Management. In recent years, the company has undergone significant innovations and these have placed Fecupral, spol. s.r.o. among the significant part of the circular economy of the Slovak Republic. The certificate from ASPEK was a nice incentive for the European round of the competition for the most environmentally friendly process in the EU.
POPOL AS A PRODUCT is a project that promotes the circular economy. The aim of the award-winning product is to develop advanced recipes for the thermal treatment of a large range of wastes, thus fulfilling the letter of the idea of the circular economy. The most important was the modernisation of a hazardous waste energy recovery plant.
The technology enhancement increases the efficiency of treatment of selected waste types thanks to advanced monitoring and predictive control throughout the recovery process. We have taken waste recovery to the next level, resulting in the comprehensive recovery of selected types of materials contained in the waste while harnessing its energy potential for heat production or other uses. The treatment method saves natural resources and the product produced from the waste becomes a valuable commodity - waste becomes raw material.
- Sonia Hatoková, Fecupral