At the outset, it would probably be appropriate to explain what the dog's mother actually mural is. Now, I may surprise many people, but it is not the password to the vaccination lottery. According to unnamed sources close to Wikipedia, it is artistic direction focused on large-scale painting on walls in public space. I could go a little bit over the top and say that the first mural was created by the Cro-Magnons or Eva Máziková in the times of the young Paleolithic in Lascaux, but it is younger than the graffiti on the carriages of the first passenger cars from Lipiany to Košice, which are still decorated with frescoes of persecuted artists.
The difference between street art/graffiti and mural is in the legal frameworks. One time illegal, next time legal. Originally, mural art was a way of resisting subjectively seen unfreedom, which grew into a respected, demanded and paid work at the end of the 20th century. At one time, these artists almost lifted a bar of soap to Nicholas Cernak in the shower for their work, but today their work is recognized around the world. Among the major clients who have started financing the creation of murals on their buildings are top companies such as Redbull, Nike and the recycling company Fecupral in Prešov. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, in Prešov. I understand that it is not the visual smog beloved by the citizens of Prešov in the form of billboards with their favourite politicians or real estate developers, but I still hope that all citizens will enjoy it.
On September 5, history was painted. The first mural in Prešov was created in the area of Fecupral. However, it was not only painted on the wall, as Michaela Pašteková once sang, but also on the containers. The roads in Prešov will not only be used by Polish truckers, but also one Eskimo together with an octopus, who will collect waste all over the city. These amazing works were created by boys from the creative collective ArtCrime Marián Imrich and Daniel Kuchár. The stunning mural was created by Jozef Gľaba and Fero Talarovič. The catering included only drinks, and since the participants could not sleep, they saw a golden pig, which the children painted with the help of adults.
Of course, there is never a shortage of these great events support of people from Wave - centre of independent culture and our little thing Greencubator, n.o., which would never have been created without the support of the recycling company Fecupral. The event was traditionally combined with guided tours of the company. But most of all, it was an event full of great people and famous Prešov artists who care about how their hometown looks. Thanks to these people, the world around us is a more beautiful place.
- Rudolf Beliš